الشباب المستضعفون

Children First is a leading member of a growing coalition of advocates that is pushing for more progressive strategies to eliminate the disproportionate representation of Black and Brown children in the dependent and delinquent systems, reduce the number of youth who are removed from their families and placed in secure detention and residential facilities, and provide the services that ensure children who are removed from their homes receive the education, health care, and healing supports they need to return home ready for a lifetime of success.  

Children First successfully advocated for a new set of principles to drive the City of Philadelphia’s approach to placement of any youth in a residential facility including:

  • سلسلة رعاية محلية عالية الجودة لدعم شبابنا في البيئات الأقل تقييدًا وأقرب إلى مجتمعاتهم ؛
  • نظرية الممارسة التي تشمل نماذج الرعاية المستنيرة للصدمات ؛ و
  • الاستعداد للعودة إلى المجتمع من التنسيب ، بما في ذلك الروابط الدائمة مع الكبار الداعمين ، والبرمجة التعليمية الهادفة ، والعلاج الفردي.


  • Review privately-run educational programs at residential facilities to objectively assess the quality of the educational programs and to establish quality indicators to objectively grade these programs and identify areas for improvement.
  • Eliminate detentions for identified misdemeanors and technical violations of probation to end unnecessary detentions of youth for minor, non-violent misdemeanors and technical violations of probation that disproportionately impact Black and Brown youth and do not impact community safety.